Francine Michel

Francine trained at the Fine Arts Academies of Tournai and Charleroi (Belgium). She completed her introduction to ceramics with courses in drawing, engraving and art history. At the beginning of the 1990s, she met ceramists from La Borne. In 2004, she moved to Montigny. Her shaping begins with clay coils that are only slightly thicker than spaghetti. Francine rolls them on her work board and stores them in Tupperware boxes. This repetitive, almost meditative approach brings out thoughts, images, curves and lines that she keeps in a sketchbook. Francine pays close attention to harmony when creating her sculptures.

In her works, the verticality and slenderness of her sculptures predominate, whether they are fired in kilns powered by electricity, gas or wood.

Bernard David


Francine Michel


18250 Montigny

France : 00 33 (0)2 48 69 56 26
Belgique : 00 32 475 62 65 45