Arlette Legros
Arlette Legros trained for 11 years at the Huy Academy of Fine Arts and through taking professional training courses. She opened her first studio in 1997. Nature is her primary source of inspiration. Her recent abstract sculptures, a series that evokes icebergs, sometimes have the distinction of being able to be positioned on several sides, thereby changing their orientation. Wood firing reveals the oppositions of materials, between raw surfaces and those coated with a satin and matt shino. A cracked, shrunken, thick glaze becomes a raised graphic design. As in her glazing, when modelling from slabs, Arlette embraces chance and prefers the spontaneity of a controlled technique.
Nicole Crestou

Arlette Legros
48, Les Poissons
18250 Neuilly-en-Sancerre
06 72 35 66 54
Instagram arlette legros