Céline Alfroid-Nicolas
After training with Brigitte Marionneau, in 2000 Céline trained at the Maison de la Céramique de Mulhouse. Ever since her childhood, she has questioned the talkative silence “of an earth too old to be laughed at”. She works with clay, tearing, scratching and finding a nook to burnish her story.
To begin with, there is no intention or hip preconceived idea; just the reflection of joyful or painful emotion leads her to dig into the clay. After polishing a few surfaces, the pieces are gently fired in an electric kiln before being smoked. Céline reclaims a sense of nostalgia, with slightly sepia colours, where she feels comfortable, in a state that “enhances the intelligence of happiness”.
Bernard David
Technique :
White clay which is polished and blackened.
For my father, for having watched me and shown me the way…
I come from a rural background, and grew up with people who are close to the earth. My strength comes from those people, the peasants and workers. They have given me the will, strength and calm, and above all they have taught me silence.
I work with the lump of clay, I tear at it, cut it, dig and scratch at it, and I discover.
My works are pieces of life, polished by time and feeling.
Céline Alfroid-Nicolas