Diane Truti

Diane learned ceramics in several workshops in and around La Borne. Jean Linard introduced her to sculpting and raku. This firing technique that she was to adopt is the perfect finishing touch to her work. After ten years in Provence, she was to return to this unique village where she rediscovered the energy and cheerfulness of its residents. Her creations are now enhanced by spherical containers, sushi dishes and stylishly designed dishes. Diane is always inspired by shells and pebbles. Her creativity is nourished by these animal and mineral shapes, by their mystery, their beauty and the way they look.

Bernard David


Diane Truti


La Borne d’en Haut
18250 La Borne

02 48 59 21 48

06 18 09 28 11


facebook : Diane Truti céramiste raku