Presentation of the exhibitions – places must be reserved
Saturday 3 February at 4.30 pm
Sunday 4 February at 11.30 pm
Private viewing
Saturday 3 February at 6 pm
Discovery tours
Sundays 18 February and 3 March, 11.30 am to 12.30 pm with Nicole Crestou (ACLB)
Nicole Crestou, ceramist of the Ceramics Association of La Borne, will be on hand to guide you through the exhibitions –
an opportunity not to be missed for outreach and the sharing of ideas.
Conditions: standard exhibition admission fee apples.
Open everyday from 11 pm to 6 pm
Nitsa Meletopoulos
Quelques pétales dans une rivière de pierres
The artist lives and works in Chapaize (71).
Nitsa Meletopoulos grabs hold of clay just as she would pick flowers or pebbles, putting together imprints, bringing different worlds together, creating strange shapes that would befit pottery found in science fiction films. Her work focuses on the aesthetics of excess, Maximalism and the Grotesque, and features a prolific collection of shapes, colours and uses. It swings between the natural, the artificial and the supernatural. She navigates all this with ease, with the kitsch and the rustic cheek by jowl. The organic, colourful whole overflows like a Garden of Earthly Delights.
Quelques pétales dans une rivière de pierres (Some petals in a river of stones)
These latest pieces are the result of an aesthetic, fantastical exploration of plant and mineral worlds. Crater rocks that have newly fallen from the sky, ancient, fossilised dinettes covered in lichen, granite proto-potteries drawing the outline of the void on the horizon. The pebbles of the future nestle side by side, river, tidal wave or stream . These are just so many pellets for anyone who’d like to pick them up and suck on them in 10,000 years’ time…
Brigitte Long
The artist lives and works in Balbins (38).
For a long time now, I have been committed to working with clay in a silent, mineral way, as if I were engaged in a dialogue with the powerful, unstable stones that delimit the space but can also open it up. Moving beyond paths, twists and turns, between wanderings and journeys, I seek and question balance, transitions and our how we anchor ourselves in the world that is so full of uncertainty. For the ceramics centre, a path is emerging between light and heavy constructions and transformations, with white and light-coloured forms that open up, clash and hide.
I love this material – an original clay that expresses the transience within us. I become intensely involved with fire in raku firings and smoking pieces.
“Brigitte Long undertakes a silent, intimate, powerful and in-depth dialogue with materials. Whether she is working in ceramics, painting or sculpture, she always pursues the same intimate relationship with the material she is working with in order to express its inner essence, to reveal its soul and secret thoughts, to worship its innate sensuality… These petrified forms of time and space, covered in a memory of the world made in scratch marks, are objects to look at and caress so as to better immerse yourself in all the earth’s truths.”
Pierre Souchaud
Association Céramique La Borne
Permanent artistists
The ceramists:
Céline Alfroid Nicolas, Éric Astoul, Françoise Blain, Laurence Blasco Mauriaucourt, Jeltje Borneman, Myriam Bouchard, Patricia Calas Dufour, Fabienne Claesen, Dominique Coenen, Isabelle Cœur, Nicole Crestou, Suzanne Daigeler, Dalloun, Stéphane Dampierre, Bernard David, Marie David Géhin, Corinne Decoux, Ophélia Derely, Claude Gaget, Agnès Galvao, Dominique Garet, Geneviève Gay, Pep Gomez, Frans Gregoor, Catherine Griffaton, Jean Guillaume, Claudie Guillaume Charnaux, Viola Hering, Roz Herrin, Svein Hjorth-Jensen, Jean Jacquinot, Pierre Jaggi, Anne-Marie Kelecom, Labbrigitte, Daniel Lacroix, Jacques Laroussinie, Arlette Legros, Dominique Legros, Christine Limosino Favretto, Claire Linard, Machiko Hagiwara, François Marechal, Joël Marot, Élisabeth Meunier, Maya Micenmacher Rousseau, Francine Michel, Marylène Millérioux, Mélanie Minguès, Isabelle Pammachius, Nadia Pasquer, Christine Pedley, Lucien Petit, Charlotte Poulsen, Françoise Quiney, Michèle Raymond, Mia Refslund Jensen, Anne Reverdy, Sylvie Rigal, Alicia Rochina, Hervé Rousseau, Nicolas Rousseau, Lulu Rozay, Karina Schneiders, Georges Sybesma, Diane Truti, Jean-Pol Urbain, Émilie Vanhaecke, Nirdosh Petra van Heesbeen, Claude Voisin, David Whitehead, Seungho Yang.